Large domestic and regional markets

The volume of Azerbaijan's foreign trade turnover amounted to $33.9 billion in 2021, increasing by 39% year on year, which is the level of  pre-pandemic period. Export amount in 2021 was almost twice higher than imports, reaching the highest amount since 2013. Non-hydrocarbon exports rose by 47% with respect to 2020. 


Azerbaijan has free trade agreements (FTAs) with 10 regional countries. Under the FTAs, goods can be imported from those countries free of customs duties. In 2021 preferential trade agreement (PTA) with Turkey has entered into force.


Total population of agreement made countries, including Azerbaijan equals 367 million, with the nominal GDP amount of $3.2 trillion.


Population change (thousand people)



Distribution of population by towns and regions of Azerbaijan at the beginning of 2020



Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
Region 5
Region 6



Stock of Automobiles



Azerbaijan economic growth has paved the way for emergence of a sizeable middle-class with an increasing purchasing power.

2019 Year 1 418 404