Strategic Location

Geographically, Azerbaijan is located in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia, connecting Western Asia and Eastern Europe. Trans-Caspian East-West Trade and Transit Corridor is a key route connecting two major global economies, China and Europe (on average 5,400 km length, 15 days transit period). Substantial investments in north–south (from the Russian border to the Iranian border) and east–west (from the Absheron Peninsula to Georgia and then Turkey) road and rail connectivity have been made, and most projects are either completed or are well on track.


As the largest economy in South Caucasus located on the trans-Caspian transport route between Central Asia and Europe. Implementation of the Law on Alat Free Economic Zone adopted in May 2018 and completion of the Baku International Sea Trade Port—important elements of the country’s aspiration of becoming a transport and economic hub in Central Eurasia—represent a good platform for the country to benefit from transport projects. 


effective time saving routes:


Azerbaijan strategic location enables easy reach to markets across 16 different time zones, from Tokyo to New York.


70% time saving (china - europe maritime route)

60% time saving for north-south route (india - europe)

50% time saving (iran - europe)

 well-developed infrastructure:


  • 20 thsd km of roads and highways constructed and rehabilitated
  • 8 international airports
  • Baku-tbilisi-kars railroad (“the iron silkway”)
  • Baku international sea trade port with 13 berths and capacity of 15 million tons of cargo per year, including 100,000 TEU