Investment activities in Azerbaijan are divided into four types:
- Private investment - activity carried out by citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, non-state enterprises, departments, organizations and institutions;
- State investment - activity carried out by state authorities and administration bodies, as well as state enterprises, departments and organizations at the expense of budgets, extra-budgetary funds, own and borrowed funds;
- Foreign investment - activities carried out by foreign citizens, legal entities, states, international financial organizations, as well as stateless persons;
- Joint investment - activities carried out by citizens, legal entities of the Republic of Azerbaijan and foreign countries and states. Any foreign legal entity, foreign citizen, foreign state or international organization can become a foreign investor in Azerbaijan.
Regulation of investment activities is governed by the following normative-legal acts:
- Law of Republic of Azerbaijan "On Investment Activity";
- Law of Republic of Azerbaijan "On public private partnership";
- Law of Republic of Azerbaijan " On the use of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity";
- Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the Alat Free Economic Zone”;
- Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Special Economic Zones”;
- Decision of the Central Bank on the "Rule for the Implementation of Investment Services (Operations) by Investment Companies";
- Decree on approval of the "Rule for Issuance of Investment Promotion Document";