The Azerbaijani-Lithuanian business forum continued its work in the format of discussions

Held at the Heydar Aliyev Center in Baku on May 18, the Azerbaijan-Lithuania Business Forum continued its work in the format of discussions.
At the business forum, Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov informed both countries’ officials and business people representing ICT, food industry, agriculture, construction, education, medicine, and other fields about the Azerbaijan-Lithuania economic cooperation, stressing that the participation of heads of state in the business forum is an indicator of the highest level of support and importance attached to the development of relations.
It was noted that the partnership between the two countries is based on mutual respect and friendship, while the events and discussions held will provide an impetus for further strengthening and expansion of relations. In addition, the Eastern Partnership initiative and the Intergovernmental Commission on Bilateral Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania represent effective platforms for expanding our relations and implementing projects in various fields.
During the event, information was also presented on the favorable business and investment climate in Azerbaijan, industrial parks, and agro-parks applying privileges. It was stressed that the country's priorities of socio-economic development until 2030 create conditions for the promotion of partnership with Lithuania. Thus, there are great prospects for cooperation in the expansion of the 'green' economy and the restoration of our liberated territories. Referring to the EU Business Environment Report 2021, the Lithuanian Minister of Economy underlined that 80 percent of the companies from the EU member states in Azerbaijan again would prefer to do business in our country while 53 percent are planning to expand their business activities in Azerbaijan. She urged Lithuanian entrepreneurs to use the business environment created in our country to establish active partnerships.
Deputy Minister of Economy and Innovation of Lithuania Jovita NeliupšienÄ— noted that her country attaches great importance to a partnership with Azerbaijan and shared her opinion on the potential for the development of economic relations. Underscoring Azerbaijan's efforts aimed at transition to a 'green' economy, the deputy minister expressed confidence that cooperation in this field would be mutually beneficial. It was noted that there are great opportunities for expanding partnerships in energy, ICT, tourism, transport, and other areas.
Then Yusif Abdullayev, head of AZPROMO, Azerbaijan's Export and Investment Promotion Agency, and Vaidas Augustinavicius, advisor to the Lithuanian president, made presentations on the business and investment climate.
The business forum continued its work in the format of bilateral meetings between entrepreneurs.