
5.7 bln USD

total cost of construction works


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Odio aliquam faucibus pretium magna tellus sit tortor ligula

3.438,7 thsd tons

Production of cement

177.7 thsd tons


Although the medium-term prospects for the construction industry are challenging, there are opportunities in the long term, due to the demographic changes in Azerbaijan, and the need for new technologies in building design. The ongoing, rapid urbanization of Azerbaijan is a key driver of opportunities in the sector. The cities are growing and this has driven growth in the sector. The rapid growth of construction in the past decade has encouraged increased production of construction materials. 


İnvestment opportunities: Production of builfing and finishing materials; production of artificialmarble; production of ceramic coating tiles; production of lime; construction of brick production; production of construction glass; production of aluminium; construction of logistical warehouses; production of cement and concrete blocks; production of relevant machinery.

Major products: cement; spinning from glass fiber; lime; construction assembler; asphalt; building brick; ready-mixed concrete.  


According to the targets set forth in the Strategic Road Map on Provision of Affordable Housing in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the construction sector attracted over 900 million manats of investment in 2020. This shall create an additional 10,000 jobs in the construction sector. This will also stimulate the demand in construction materials to be supplied locally.